
Build an e-commerce Shopify website for a health and safety company

Project overview

Client needed an e-commerce website to sell drop-ship items to their customer base. Shopify was used to provide a clean, responsive platform that allowed for a fast set-up of customer reviews, rewards systems and discounts during sales periods. Orders processed via multiple vendors.

Kayla Fulton

CEO, Spotify

"Suspendisse orci mauris, suscipit non hendrerit. Ut ipsum diam, mattis eu porta ut, tristique eget nibh. Maecenas sed malesuada felis. In sollicitudin risus lectus, non egestas ex aliquet eu. Fusce ligula sapien, viverra at volutpat id, ultrices vitae lacus."

Project Deliverables

800+ SKUs shipping from 6 different vendors, the client wanted an intuitive website that eased friction of sales from potential customers, and rewarded sales with automatically generated review prompts 7 days after sale - offering 10% off the next order. This approach drove a high return of customer sales and positive reviews.

Project approach

Shopify provided a fast set-up for this client who was pushed for time and had little prior e-commerce experience. After the initial branding design was approved, the SKU list, product descriptions and images were uploaded via .csv file to quickly add over 800 SKUs to the site. Some additional extensions to automatically crop and minimise all images, prompt product reviews and follow up on abandoned carts - all allow the client to enjoy a very "hands-off" experience with this drop-ship website.
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- Albert Einstein
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