CINCH Height Safety

Create new divisional brand for height safety company.

Project overview

A height safety manufacturer in New Zealand needed a new divisional brand set up that included packaging design, advertising media, product catalogues, and branding assets.

Kelsey Baine

COO, Walt Disney

"Suspendisse orci mauris, suscipit non hendrerit. Ut ipsum diam, mattis eu porta ut, tristique eget nibh. Maecenas sed malesuada felis. In sollicitudin risus lectus, non egestas ex aliquet eu. Fusce ligula sapien, viverra at volutpat id, ultrices vitae lacus."

Project Deliverables

After completing a branding strategy, I designed new packaging for the height safety products, a range of posters for stockist shops and created a height safety catalogue that incorporated the new logo and design elements.

Project approach

CINCH represents a new divisional brand to an existing safety company that has been in existence for over 15 years. As such, I implemented a 3 phase roll-out of the new brand to reduce any potential brand loyalty resistance from the client's long-term customers. Slowly we intoduced the new logotype and designs throughout the product range, increasing the presence over an 18 month period.
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- Albert Einstein
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