Help-It Burn Gel

Product package design and point of sale display units for medical product.

Project overview

My client needed a full range of new products designed and branded along with point of sale display packaging incorporating clean, high impact visuals for sale in pharmacy stores and online sales.

Emily Waltson

CCO, Nike

"Suspendisse orci mauris, suscipit non hendrerit. Ut ipsum diam, mattis eu porta ut, tristique eget nibh. Maecenas sed malesuada felis. In sollicitudin risus lectus, non egestas ex aliquet eu. Fusce ligula sapien, viverra at volutpat id, ultrices vitae lacus."

Project Deliverables

Working closely with our QA team and international manufacturers, I designed a product range of burn gels, including branded point of sale (POS) display boxes.

Project approach

After working with the client on the initial design template, which included a new logo, type font and colour palette, I worked closely with the overseas manufacturer to source product samples that fitted the client's requirements.
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"Creativity is intelligence having fun."
- Albert Einstein
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